Updated over a week ago

Trends is a new Rupa feature that lets you see how each biomarker is changing over time for your client.

Click into the details of a marker to see a chart visualization.

Can I download a PDF?

Not yet, but we have a temporary workaround! Shown here:

Which labs are supported?

Currently, Results Over Time is supported for biomarkers from:

  • Access Medical Labs

  • Boston Heart

  • Labcorp through Access

And hormone markers from:

  • ZRT

  • Doctor's Data

And you can import past results from any other lab company!โ€‹

What do sample type indicators mean?

When you see a sample type indicator, it means that there are multiple records of the same biomarker over time, but from tests with differing sample types. In these cases we show differing sample type test markers in a new row, since their values aren't necessarily comparable.

Can I import other results into Rupa?

Yes! You can import results from any lab company into Trends.

What do the Day and Month toggles do?

The Day and Month toggles help organize sample collection dates in the table more cleanly. If your client gathers samples across sequential days, using the Month view reduces clutter by merging extra columns, displaying just the latest result for each marker monthly.

How many datapoints are supported?

There are an unlimited number of sample collection data points supported in the table! When you open up a marker, we'll show the 5 most recent data points on the graph.

Do my clients have access?

Right now, Results Over Time is only accessible by practitioners. However, it's coming soon to the Patient Portal!

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